
10月15日研究生学术前沿讲座—Michael A. Kerr

发布者:webmaster  时间:2012-11-06  浏览次数:104

10月15日研究生学术前沿讲座—Michael A. Kerr


Recent Advances in the Metal Catalyzed Cycloaddition/Annulation Reactions of Donor-Acceptor Cyclopropanes






Michael A. Kerr

Department of Chemistry, Western University

London, Ontario, Canada


Our group as a longstanding interest in developing new methods for the synthesis of heterocycles, as well as the application of these methods to natural products total synthesis.1 Much work in our group has been directed towards heteroannulations of donor-acceptor cyclopropanes.2 In very general terms, if a species 1 (Figure 1) contains orthogonally reactive nucleophilic and electrophilic sites, it may undergo reaction with cyclopropane 2 to yield intermediate 3.  The stabilized anion in 3 may in turn react with the electrophilic site to form a cyclic product 4.

This lecture will focus on the methodological aspects of our research with an emphasis on very recent results from our group.





University of Hawaii (September 1985 - August 1991) - Ph.D. in Chemistry

Research Advisor: Professor Marcus A. Tius

University of Waterloo (September 1980 - May 1985) - Hons. B.Sc. (Chemistry)

Undergraduate Research Advisor: Professor Victor A. Snieckus

Academic Career:

The University of Western Ontario (2005 – Present) - Professor (Chemistry)

The University of Western Ontario (2000– 2005) - Associate Professor (Chemistry)-tenured 2000

The University of Western Ontario (1999 – 2000) - Assistant Professor (Chemistry)

Acadia University (1998 - 1999) - Associate Professor (Chemistry) – tenured 1998.

Acadia University (1993 - 1998) - Assistant Professor (Chemistry)

The Scripps Research Institute (1991 - 1993) – Post-doctoral Research Associate

Research Advisor: Professor K.C. Nicolaou

Research field:

Total Synthesis of Natural Products

Cycloadditions and Annulations of Cyclopropanes

Heterocyclic Chemistry
