9月26日研究生学术前沿讲座----Prof. Jingyue (Jimmy) Liu
发布者:webmaster 时间:2012-11-06 浏览次数:113
9月26日研究生学术前沿讲座----Prof. Jingyue (Jimmy) Liu |
(2012-09-24) |
报告题目 |
Nanoscale Architectures for Sustainable Energy |
报告时间 |
2012年9月26日上午9:30 |
报告地点 |
合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室一楼科技展厅 |
摘要 |
Powering our planet with a sustainable energy supply is not only critical to improving the quality of life but also is becoming essential to meeting the ever increasing demand of energy by a growing world population. Fossil fuels, the main energy sources that we depend on today, have negative impact on our environment and are limited in supply. It becomes imperative to develop new processes for effective use of energy, and to develop sustainable and clean energy sources. Design and synthesis of nanostructuresand their proper assembly to nanoscale architectures with desired functionalities may provide us new routes to address key issues encountered in understanding the fundamental processes and dynamics of energy conversion and storage processes. Effective use of materials are closely linked to the ability of synthesizing size- and shape-controlled nanostructures as basic building blocks for building functional architectures that yield desirable macro-scale properties. The recent development of single atom catalysis is an excellent example of effective utilization of expensive noble metals. The successful fabrication of individually dispersed single atomsprovides great opportunities for designing novel catalysts with improved performances. We have applied single atom catalysts for hydrogen production, reduction of toxic pollutants, and other processes for energy generation and production of chemicals. Development of novel nanoscalearchitectures has been explored for applications to solar cells, supercapacitors/batteries, and sensors. Elucidation of the synthesis-structure-performance relationships of nanoscale architectures will be discussed. |
报告人 |
Prof. Jingyue (Jimmy) Liu
Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA. |
报告人简介:⑴现在工作单位及职称 ⑵主要研究方向 ⑶学术成就简述(100字以内)
Dr. Jingyue (Jimmy) Liu is currently a professor in the Department of Physics and Senior Scholar in the Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University. Prof. Liu received his bachelor's degree in metal physics in 1982 from the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China, and his doctorate degree (under the guidance of Professor John M. Cowley) in 1990 in condensed matter physics from Arizona State University (ASU). After two years as a Postdoctoral Associate, Prof. Liu became a research scientist, funded by the Shell Development Company, in the Center for Solid State Science of ASU. Young Scientist Award (13th ICEM 1994) and Presidential Award (12th ICEM 1990). In October 2011, Prof. Liu joined ASU as a Professor of Physics. In 2012, Prof. Liu was elected as a Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America. In addition to developing advanced electron microscopy techniques, Prof. Liu's research group currently focuses on developing nanoscale architectures for applications in energy, catalysis and sensing. Prof. Liu has been serving on many advisory committees and heavily involved in professional societies and regional economic development initiatives. |
接待单位联系人:俞书宏 电话:3603040 |
主办单位:微尺度国家实验室,化学与材料科学学院,外办(港澳台办) | |