
刘建伟 (无机化学)

发布者:webmaster  时间:2019-11-20  浏览次数:10413

                           刘建伟  教授、博士生导师  

            电  0551-63600169

            邮件  jwliu13@ustc.edu.cn

            主页 http://nanowire.ustc.edu.cn/main.htm

                地址 中国科学技术大学物质科研楼B楼609-1


 2003-2007年,     合肥工业大学化工学院获学士学位

  2007-2013年,     中国科学技术大学获博士学位 

2013-2017年,  国科学技术大学化学系,特聘副研究员

2017-2019年, 中国科学技术大学化学系,副教授

2019-2022年,  中国科学技术大学化学系,特任教授

2022-至今  中国科学技术大学化学系,教授





2021年度    Nano Research 青年编委(Young Star Editors);

2019年度      国家自然科学基金委优青项目资助;

2016年度      获得国家自然科学二等奖(排名第四);

2015年度      中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖;

2015年度      获得安徽省自然科学一等奖(排名第四); 

2014年度      入选中国科学院青年促进会;

2013年度      卢嘉锡科学教育基金会卢嘉锡优秀研究生奖

2013年度      中国科学院院长特别奖;

2012年度      研究生国家奖学金;

2012年度      香港求是基金会,求是研究生奖学金;

2011年度      全国挑战杯科技竞赛二等奖

2011年度      安徽省挑战杯科技竞赛特等奖


1) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,基于纳米线组装薄膜的柔性能量转换器件研制,(22175164),2022-2025。

2) 国家自然科学基金委优秀青年科学基金项目,纳米线界面组装,(21922204)2020-2022


4) 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,基于导电纳米基元的三维宏观弹性组装体的制备与性能研究, (51471157)2015-2018

 5) 国家自然科学基金委青年基金,超细纳米线组装机理及器件特性研究 (21401183)2015-2017

 6) 中国科学院青年促进会研究基金,2014298, 2014-2017


50. Rui Wang, Jin-Long Wang†, Tian Liu†, Zhen He, Heng Wang, Jian-Wei Liu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable inverse photoconductance in semiconducting nanowire filmsAdv. Mater.  2022, accepted.

49. Rui Wang, Zhen He, Jin-Long Wang, Jia-Yang Liua, Jian-Wei Liu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*, Manipulating Nanowire Structures for Enhanced Broadband Flexible Photothermoelectric PhotodetectorNano Lett.  2022,  10.1021/acs.accounts.2c00052.

48. Zhen He, Jin-Long Wang,  Si-Ming Chen, Jian-Wei Liu*, and Shu-Hong Yu*,  Self-assembly of nanowires: from dynamic monitoring to precision control. Acc. Chem. Res.  2022, , 10.1021/acs.accounts.2c00052.

47. Cheng Chen, Rui Wang, Xin-Lin Li, Bin Zhao, Heng Wang, Zhan Zhou, Jian-Hua Zhu, Jian-Wei Liu* Structural Design of Nanowire Wearable Stretchable Thermoelectric Generator, Nano Lett.  2022, 22, 10,  4131-4136.

46.  Qi-Guo Shang, Jie Xu, Jian-Wei Liu*, A Three-Dimensional Tubular Carbon Aerogel for Supercapacitors, JUSTC  2022, accepted.

45. Si-Zhe Sheng, Jie Xu, Zhen He, Jin-Long Wang and Jian-Wei Liu*,  Necklace-like ultrathin silver telluride nanowire films and their reversible structural phase transition. Chem. Comm. 2021, 57, 6887–6890.

44. Qing-Xia Chen, Ying-Huan Liu, Zhen He, Jin-Long Wang, Jian-Wei Liu*, Hui-Jun Jiang*, Wei-Ran Huang, Guan-Yin Gao, Zhong-Huai Hou and Shu-Hong Yu* Microchemical Engineering in a 3D Ordered Channel Enhances Electrocatalysis. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2021, 143, 32, 12600–12608.

43. Qi-Guo Shang, Kang Wang, Lin-Ge Li, Zhen He, Hui-Jun Jiang*, Jian-Hua Zhu, Jian-Wei Liu* A Metallic ion-induced self-assembly enabling nanowire-based aerogels. Small, 2021, 17, 2103406.

42. Jin-Long Wang, Jian-Wei Liu*, Si-Zhe Sheng, Zhen He, Jie Gao, and Shu-Hong Yu*. Manipulating Nanowire Assemblies toward Multicolor Transparent Electrochromic Device. Nano Lett., 2021,21, 21, 9203-9209 

41. Jin-Long Wang, Si-Zhe Sheng, Zhen He, Rui Wang, Zhao Pan, Hao-Yu Zhao, Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu* Self-Powered Flexible Electrochromic Smart Window. Nano Lett., 2021, 23, 9976-9982.

40. Muhammad Hassan, Hui-Juan Zhan, Jin-Long Wang, Jian-Wei Liu* and Jia-Fu Chen* Self-Assembly Anisotropic Magnetic Nanowire Films Induced by External Field. ChemistryOpen, 2020, 9, 588-592. 

39. Hui-Juan Zhan, Jia-Fu Chen, Hao-Yu Zhao, Long Jiao, Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu* Biomimetic Difunctional Carbon Nanotube-based Aerogels for Efficient Steam Generation,ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, 3, 4690−4698. 

38. Rui Wang, Cheng Chen, Yi Zheng, Heng Wang,  Jian-Wei Liu* and Shu-Hong Yu* Structure-property relationship of assembled nanowire materials. Mater. Chem. Front, 2020, 4, 2881-2903.

37.  He, Z.; Chang L., G.; Lin, Y.; Shi, F. L.; Wang, J.-L.; Liu, J.-W.*; Wu, J. B*; Yu, S.-H.*Real-time visualization of solid-phase ion migration kinetics on nanowire monolayer. J. Am. Chem. Soc.  2020, 17, 7968-7975. 

36. Wang, J.-L.†;  Jiang, H.J.†; He, Z; Liu, J.-W.*; Wang, R; Huang, W. R.; Feng, L. T.; Ren, X. F.; Hou, Z. H.; Yu, S.-H.* Radial Nanowire Assemblies under Rotating Magnetic Field Ena-bled Efficient Charge Separation. Nano Lett. 2020, 20,  4,  2763-2769.

35. Chen, Q. XYu, C.X.†;  Li, H.-H.;  He, Z.; Liu, J.-W.* Composition Modulation of Pt-based Nanowire Electrocatalysts Enhances Methanol Oxidation Performance  Inorg. Chem. 2020,  59 (2), 1376-1382.

34.  He, Z.; Yang, Y.; Liang,  H. W.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.* Nanowire Genome: A Magic Tool Box for One-Dimensional Nanostructures.  Adv. Mater. 2019,  1902807.


33.  Chen, Q. X; Liu, Y. X.; Qi, X. Z.;  Liu, J.-W.;*  Jiang, H. J.*; Wang, J.-L.; HeRen, X. F.; Hou Z. H.;  Yu, S.-H.* Ordered Nanostructure Enhances Electrocatalytic Performance by Directional Micro-Electric Field. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141(27), 10729-10735.


32. Huang, W-R; Yu, C.X. , Y. R. Lu, H. Muhammad, Wang, J.-L.; He, Z. , Liu, J.-W.;* Yu, S.-H.*, Mass-productionof flexible and transparent Te-Au nylon SERS substrate with excellent mechanical stability. Nano Research2019,  12(6), 1483-1488.


31. Zhan H.J., Wu K. J., Hu Y. L., Liu, J.-W.*, H. Li, X. Guo, J. Xu, Y.Yang, Z.L. Yu, H.L.  Gao, X. S.  Luo, J. F. Chen,  Ni Y.,* and Yu, S.-H.*, Biomimetic Carbon Tube Aerogel Enables Super-Elasticity and Thermal Insulation. Chem, 2019, 5(7), 1871-1882.


30. Huang, W-R; He, Z.; Wang, J.-L.;  Liu, J.-W.;* Yu, S.-H.*,  Mass-Production of Nanowire-Nylon Flexible Transparent Smart Windows for PM2.5 Capture. iSience, 2019, 12, 333-341.

29. Wang, J.-L.; Hassan, M.Liu, J.-W.;* Yu, S.-H.*,  Nanowire Assemblies for Flexible Electronic Devices: Recent Advances and Perspectives. Adv. Mater. 2018,  1803430.


28. He, Z.; Jiang, H.J.; Wu, L.L.; .; Liu, J.-W.*; Geng, W.; Xiao, W.; Jin-Long, W.; Hou. Z. H.; Chen, G*.; Yu, S.-H.*, , Real‐Time Probing of Nanowire Assembly Kinetics at Air‐Water Interface by In situ Synchrotron X‐ray Scattering. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 8130-8134.


27. He, Z.; Hassan, M.; Ju, H.-X.; Wang, R.; Wang, J.-L.; Chen, J.-F.; Zhu, J.-F.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Stability and protection of nanowire devices in air. Nano Res. 2017, 11, 3353-3361.


26 Yang, Y.; Wang, J. L.; Liu, L.; Wang, Z. H.; Liu, J. W.*; Yu, S. H.*, A room-temperature environmentally friendly solution process to assemble silver nanowire architectures for flexible transparent electrodes. Nanoscale 2017, 9(1), 52-55.


25. Wang, J.-L.; Lu, Y.-R.; Li, H.-H.; Liu, J.-W.;* Yu, S.-H.*, Large Area Co-Assembly of Nanowires for Flexible Transparent Smart Windows. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017,139, 9921-9926.


24. He, Z.; Yang, Y.Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Emerging tellurium nanostructures: controllable synthesis and their applications. Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017,46, 2732-2753.


23. Hassan, M.; Wang, Z.-H.; Huang, W.-R.; Li, M.-Q.; Liu, J.-W.*; Chen, J.-F.*, Ultrathin Tungsten Oxide Nanowires/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composites for Toluene Sensing. Sensors 2017,17 (10), 2245.


22. Yu, X.-F.; Mao, L.-B.; Ge, J.; Yu, Z.-L.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Three-dimensional melamine sponge loaded with Au/ceria nanowires for continuous reduction of p-nitrophenol in a consecutive flow system. Science Bulletin 2016,61 (9), 700-705.


21. Yang, Y.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Coiling ultrathin tellurium nanowires into nanorings by Pickering emulsion. Chem. Commun. 2016,52 (52), 8091-8094.


20.  Xu, J.; Xin, S.Liu, J.-W.*Wang, J.-L.; Lei, Y.; Yu, S.-H.*, Elastic Carbon Nanotube Aerogel Meets Tellurium Nanowires: A Binder- and Collector-Free Electrode for Li-Te Batteries. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2016,26 (21), 3580-3588.


19. Xu, J.; Wang, Z.-H.; Li, H.-H.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Templating synthesis of ternary PtPdTe nanowires with tunable diameter for methanol electrooxidation. CrystEngComm 2016,18 (22), 4038-4041.


18. Wu, Q.-S.; Liu, J.-W.*; Wang, G.-S.; Chen, S.-F.; Yu, S.-H.*, A surfactant-free route to synthesize Ba x Sr1x TiO3 nanoparticles at room temperature, their dielectric and microwave absorption properties. Science China Materials 2016, 609-617.


17. Wang, J.-L.; Wang, Z.-H.; Liu, J.-W.*; Yu, S.-H.*, Recycling valuable silver from waste generated in diverse nanotemplate reactions. Science China Materials 2016,59 (7), 538-546.


16. Liu, J.-W.; Xu, J.; Hu, W.; Yang, J.-L.; Yu, S.-H.*, First Systematic Synthesis of Tellurium Nanostructures and Their Optical Property: From Nanoparticles, to Nanorods, Nanowires, and Nanotubes. ChemNanoMat 2016, 167-170.


15. Yu, X. F.Liu, J. W.; Cong, H. P.; Xue, L.; Arshad, M. N.; Albar, H. A.; Sobahi, T. R.; Gao, Q.; Yu, S. H.*, Template- and surfactant-free synthesis of ultrathin CeO2 nanowires in a mixed solvent and their superior adsorption capability for water treatment. Chem Sci 2015,6 (4), 2511-2515.


14. Wang, J. L.Liu, J. W.; Lu, B. Z.; Lu, Y. R.; Ge, J.; Wu, Z. Y.; Wang, Z. H.; Arshad, M. N.; Yu, S. H., Recycling Nanowire Templates for Multiplex Templating Synthesis: A Green and Sustainable Strategy. Chem-Eur J 2015,21 (13), 4935-4939.


13. Liu, J.-W.; Yu, S.-H., Emergent motifs of macroscopic nanowire assemblies. Natl. Sci. Rev. 2015,2 (4), 392-393.


12. Liu, J. W.; Wang, J. L.; Wang, Z. H.; Huang, W. R.; Yu, S. H.*, Manipulating Nanowire Assembly for Flexible Transparent Electrodes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014,53 (49), 13477-13482.


11. Zhang, S. Y.Liu, J. W.; Zhang, C. L.; Yu, S. H.*, Co-assembled thin films of Ag nanowires and functional nanoparticles at the liquid-liquid interface by shaking. Nanoscale 2013,5 (10), 4223-4229.


10. Liu, J.-W.; Liang, H.-W.; Yu, S.-H.*, Macroscopic-scale nanowire assemblies and their functionalities. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China 2013,43 (11), 870-876.


9. Liu, J.-W.; Huang, W.-R.; Gong, M.; Zhang, M.; Wang, J.-L.; Zheng, J.; Yu, S.-H.*, Flexible Electronics: Ultrathin Hetero-Nanowire-Based Flexible Electronics with Tunable Conductivity. Adv. Mater. 2013,25 (41), 5910-5915.


8. Liu, J. W.; Zheng, J.; Wang, J. L.; Xu, J.; Li, H. H.; Yu, S. H.*, Ultrathin W18O49 Nanowire Assemblies for Electrochromic Devices. Nano Lett. 2013,13 (8), 3589-93.


7. Liu, J.-W.; Xu, J.; Ni, Y.; Fan, F.-J.; Zhang, C.-L.; Yu, S.-H.*, A Family of Carbon-Based Nanocomposite Tubular Structures Created by in Situ Electron Beam Irradiation. ACS Nano 2012,6 (5), 4500-4507.


6. Liu, J.-W.; Xu, J.; Liang, H.-W.; Wang, K.; Yu, S.-H.*, Macroscale Ordered Ultrathin Telluride Nanowire Films, and Tellurium/Telluride Hetero-Nanowire Films. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012,51 (30), 7420-7425.


5. Liu, J.-W.; Wang, J.-L.; Huang, W.-R.; Yu, L.; Ren, X.-F.; Wen, W.-C.; Yu, S.-H.*, Ordering Ag nanowire arrays by a glass capillary: A portable, reusable and durable SERS substrate. Sci. Rep. 2012,2, 987.


4. Liu, J.-W.; Liang, H.-W.; Yu, S.-H.*, Macroscopic-Scale Assembled Nanowire Thin Films and Their Functionalities. Chem. Rev. 2012,112 (8), 4770-4799.


3. Liu, J. W.; Zhang, S. Y.; Qi, H.; Wen, W. C.; Yu, S. H.*, A general strategy for self-assembly of nanosized building blocks on liquid/liquid interfaces. Small 2012,8 (15), 2412-20.


2. Liu, J. W.; Zhu, J. H.; Zhang, C. L.; Liang, H. W.; Yu, S. H.*, Mesostructured Assemblies of Ultrathin Superlong Tellurium Nanowires and Their Photoconductivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010,132 (26), 8945-8952.


1. Liu, J. W.; Chen, F.; Zhang, M.; Qi, H.; Zhang, C. L.; Yu, S. H*., Rapid Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Uniform Ultra long Te Nanowires, Optical Property, and Chemical Stability. Langmuir 2010,26 (13), 11372-11377.