姓 名:俞书宏 教授 博导 电 话: 0551-63603040 电子邮件: shyu@ustc.edu.cn 传 真:+86-551-63603040 | ![]() | |
个人简历 | ||
俞书宏,安徽庐江人,1967年8月生。中国科学技术大学教授,博士生导师,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”长江特聘教授(2006年-)、国家杰出青年基金获得者(2003年-)、中央七部委“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选(2006-)、国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家(2010-)。 1988年7月获合肥工业大学无机专业学士学位,1991年5月获上海化学工业研究院硕士学位, 1998年10月获中国科学技术大学化学系无机化学专业博士学位,1999年-2001年获在日本东京工业大学材料与结构实验室从事博士后研究,2001年?2002年获德国洪堡基金会(AvH)资助(任洪堡外国科学家研究员),在德国马普学会胶体与界面研究所工作。2002年入选中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才”,在中国科学技术大学任教,博士生导师。现任中国科学技术大学化学系教授,合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室(筹)责任研究员,国家同步辐射实验室首批特聘研究员,上海交通大学客座教授,合肥工业大学兼职教授。 担任中国科学技术大学化学与材料科学学院副院长、合肥微尺度物质科学国家实验室纳米材料与化学研究部主任、国家重点学科无机化学博士点负责人、国家重大科学研究计划项目首席科学家、国际溶剂热-水热联合会(ISHA)国际理事会成员、国家自然科学基金委第十三届化学科学部专家评审组成员、第二十八届中国化学会理事、中国科学院-德国马普学会伙伴小组组长、中国科学技术大学第九届学术委员会委员、中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院学术委员会委员、中国科学院强磁场科学中心实验装置用户委员会委员、安徽省纳米材料与技术重点实验室第二届学术委员会副主任、安徽省纳米材料及应用工程技术研究中心第一届工程技术委员会委员等。担任国际期刊Materials Research Bulletin副编辑、Chemical Science (RSC)、CrystEngComm (RSC)、Nano Research (Tsinghua Press, Springer)、Current Nanoscience等国际期刊顾问编委或编委,《科学通报》(特邀编辑)、《无机化学学报》等期刊编委等。 在聚合物控制晶化与仿生材料、无机合成与制备、无机-有机复合材料、生物质转化制备新型碳纳米材料及应用等方面并取得多项创新性成果。在国际期刊如Nature Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Adv. Mater.等上发表SCI检索论文220篇,第一作者和通讯作者论文中影响因子IF>3.0的SCI论文168篇, IF>6的SCI论文56篇。受邀在Adv. Mater., Top. Curr. Chem., Adv. Funct. Mater., J. Mater. Chem., MRS. Bull.等国际期刊上发表综述论文和特征论文十二篇; 受邀在美国Marcel Dekker, Inc.、John Wiley & Sons、CRC Press、Kluwer/Plenum、美国科学出版社等十二部英文专著中各撰写一章。被SCI他人论文引用4000余次(第一作者和通讯作者),H因子42。有关复杂无机超结构材料的构筑和设计研究工作受到英国《自然》杂志的“研究亮点”栏目和《美国化学工程新闻》“科学聚焦”栏目分别以“晶体生长: 明星品质”和 “艾舍尔步入化学”为题的点评。近十年间有十四篇论文被ISI评为Highly Cited Papers,有多篇论文被《自然-中国》、《Materials Views》、《NPG Asia Materials》等选为研究亮点或被选为封面论文、热点论文等。 | ||
主要研究方向 | ||
(1) 仿生高性能纳米复合结构材料、自组装及应用; (2) 聚合物控制晶化与模拟生物矿化; (3) 多功能纳米材料的模板诱导合成和组装技术; (4) 新型无机-有机杂化材料的制备、性能与组装体功能; (5) 面向能源、环境领域应用的新型碳材料的制备和能量存储; (6) 纳米材料的光、电、磁性能调控(光电和光热转换、光催化等)和纳米催化效应等。 欢迎对无机合成与制备方法、纳米化学及组装技术、功能高分子调控晶化与组装、纳米环境材料、能源材料和生物医用材料等交叉学科感兴趣的化学(含无机,有机,分析)、高分子、生物、环境化学、材料化学、凝聚态物理等专业的本科同学来实验室做本科论文。欢迎报考本实验室研究生,并招收具有上述背景的博士后研究人员。 承担项目 1) 国家重大科学研究计划项目“仿生轻质高强纳米复合结构材料的可控制备与性能研究”(2010CB934700),2010-2014。 2) 国家自然科学基金委重点项目,仿生构筑复杂无机纳米结构材料、自组装原理、性能及应用研究 (50732006),2008-2011。 3) 国家自然科学基金委重点项目,“新型多功能无机结构单元复合晶态薄膜材料的可控制备、组装与性能研究” (91022032),2011-2014。 4) 科技部国际交流与合作专项项目,“用于靶向核磁共振成像的新型聚合物功能化超顺磁复合纳米材料”(2010DFA41170),2010-2012。 | ||
获奖及荣誉 | ||
(1) 2010年国家自然科学二等奖,“复杂形态和结构的无机功能材料的构筑、自组装原理及性能研究”,排名第一,获奖人数共5人。 (10) 2006年入选中央七部委“新世纪百千万人才工程”国家级人选;
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文章及专著 | ||
2010 1. Hong-Bin Yao, Hai-Yu Fang, Zhi-Hua Tan, Li-Heng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Biologically inspired, strong, transparent and functional layered organic-inorganic hybrid films, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(12), 2140-2145. Selected as Frontispiece paper. Highlighted by NPG Asia Materials. 2. Chun-Hua Cui, Hui-Hui Li, Jin-Wen Yu, Min-Rui Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Ternary Heterostructured Nanoparticle Tubes: A Dual Catalyst and Its Synergistic Enhancement Effects for O2/H2O2 Reduction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49(48), 9149-9152. 3. Hong-Bin Yao, Zhi-Hua Tan, Hai-Yu Fang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Artificial Nacre-Like Bionanocomposite Films with High Performances: Self-assembly of Chitosan-Montmorillonite Hybrid Building Blocks, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, in press. 10.1002/anie.201004748. 4. Jian-Wei Liu, Jian-Hua Zhu, Chuan-Ling Zhang, Hai-Wei Liang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mesostructured assemblies of ultrathin superlong tellurium nanowires and their photoconductivity, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132(26), 8945-8952. 5. Hai-Wei Liang, Lei Wang, Pei-Yang Chen, Hong-Tao Lin, Li-Feng Chen, Dian He, Shu-Hong Yu*, Free-Standing Carbonaceous Nanofiber Membranes for Selective Filtration and Separation of Nanoparticles, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(42), 4691-4695. 6. Yang Zhao, Li-Ning Lin, Yang Lu, Shao-Feng Chen, Liang Dong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Templating Synthesis of Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres with Preloading Doxorubicin for Biomedical Application, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, online. 7. Yang Lu, Yang Zhao, Le Yu, Liang Dong, Ce Shi, Mingjun Hu, Yunjun Xu, Longping Wen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hydrophilic Co@Au yolk/shell nanospheres: synthesis, assembly and application for gene delivery, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(12), 1407-1411. 8. Shao-Feng Chen, Jian-Hua Zhu, Jun-Jiang, Guo-Bin Cai, Shu-Hong Yu*, Polymer Controlled Crystallization of Unique Mineral Superstructures. Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(4), 540-546. Research News. Most-Accessed Article. 9. Bo Hu, Kan Wang, Liheng Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Markus Antonietti, Maria-Magdalena Titirici*, Engineering carbon materials from hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of biomass, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(7), 813-828. Invited Review. Most accessed article. 10. Min-Rui Gao, Wei-Hong Xu, Hong-Bin Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Coaxial Noble Metal Nano/microcables with Isolating Sheath: Synthetic Methodologies and Their Application as Interconnects, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(17), 1977-1981. Research News. Special Issue of USTC Materials Science. 11. Hai-Wei Liang, Shuo Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controlled Synthesis of One-Dimensional Inorganic Nanostructures Using Pre-existing One-dimensional Nanostructures as Templates, Adv. Mater. 2010, 22(35), 3925-3937. Invited Review. 12. Yang Lu, Ce Shi, Ming-Jun Hu, Yun-Jun Xu, Le Yu, Long-Ping Wen, Yang Zhao, Wei-Ping Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Magnetic alloy nanorings loaded with gold nanoparticles: synthesis and applications as multimodal imaging contrast agents, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20(21), 3701-3706. Special Issue of “Nanomaterials Research by Chinese Scientists”. Inside Cover. 13. Hong-Yan Shi, Bo Hu, Xiaochun Yu, Rongli Zhao, Jianwei Liu, Mei Feng, Xifeng Ren, Shilin Liu, An-Wu Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Ordering of Disordered Nanowires: Spontaneous Formation of Highly Aligned Ultralong Ag Nanowire Films at Oil-Water-Air Interface, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2010, 20(6), 958-964. Selected as Frontispiece paper. Most Accessed Article. 14. Huai-Ping Cong, Jia-Jun He, Yang Lu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Water Soluble Magnetic Functionalized Graphene: In-situ Synthesis and Magnetic Resounce Imaging Application, Small 2010, 6(2), 169-173. VIP paper. Selected as a Frontispiece. Most Accessed Article. Highlighted by Materials Views, Materials Views China. 15. Yang Zhao, Yang Lu, Yan Hu, Jian-Ping Li, Liang Dong, Li-Ning Lin, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis of Superparamagnetic CaCO3 Mesocrystals for Multistage Delivery in Cancer Therapy, Small 2010, 6(21), 2436-2442. 16. Hong-Bin Yao, Li-Heng Wu, Chun-Hua Cui, Hai-Yu Fang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Direct Fabrication of Optical Switch Patterns on Self-assemblied Hybrid Films of Graphene Oxide/Titania Nanosheets by Photocatalytic Reduction, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20(), 5190-5195. Inside Cover. 17. Min-Rui Gao, Shuang Liu, Jun Jiang, Chun-Hua Cui, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Efficient loading of magnetite nanocrystals on CoSe2-DETA (DETA = diethylenetriamine) hybrid nanobelts and their enhanced catalytic performance, J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20(), 9355-9361. Hot Paper. 18. Chunhua Cui, Hui-Hui Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, A general approach to electrochemical deposition of high quality free-standing noble metal (Pd, Pt, Au, Ag) sub-micron tubes composed of nanoparticles in polar aprotic solvent, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 940-942. 19. Bo Hu#, Li-Heng Wu#, Shu-Juan Liu, Hong-Bin Yao, Hong-Yan Shi, Gong-Pu Li and Shu-Hong Yu*, Microwave-assisted synthesis of silver indium tungsten oxide mesocrystals and their selective photocatalytic properties, Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 2277-2279. 20. Hong-Bin Yao, Min-Rui Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Small organic molecule templating synthesis and property of semiconducting organicinorganic hybrid nanomaterials”, Nanoscale 2010, 2(3), 323-342. Invited review. Top 10 Paper. 2009 21. Min-Rui Gao, Wei-Tang Yao, Hong-Bin Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis of Unique Ultrathin Lamellar Mesostructured CoSe2 Nanobelts in a Binary Solution, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131(22), 7486-7487. 22. Hai-Wei Liang, Shuo Liu, Jun-Yan Gong, Shang-Bing Wang, Lei Wang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Ultrathin Te Nanowires: An Excellent Platform for Controlled Synthesis of Ultrathin Platinum and Palladium Nanowires/Nanotubes with Very High Aspect Ratio, Adv. Mater. 2009, 21(18), 1850-1854. VIP Paper. 23. Qiao Zhang, Shu-Juan Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Recent Advances in Oriented Attachment Growth and Synthesis of Functional Materials: Concept, Evidence, Mechanism, and Its Future, J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19(2), 191-207. Inside Cover. Top 10 paper. SCI Top Paper. 24. Jun-Yan Gong, Shi-Rui Guo, Hai-Sheng Qian, Wei-Hong Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*, A general approach for synthesis of a family of functional inorganic nanotubes using highly active carbonaceous nanofibers as templates, J. Mater. Chem. 2009, 19(7), 1037-1042. Theme issue of nanotubes. Invited. 25. Dian He, Bo Hu, Qiao-Feng Yao, Kan Wang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Large-Scale Synthesis of Flexible Free-Standing Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Substrates with High Sensitivity: Electrospun PVA Nanofibers Embedded with Controlled Alignment of Silver Nanoparticles, ACS Nano 2009, 3(12), 3993-4002. 26. Ji-Ming Song, Yun-Zhi Lin, Hong-Bin Yao, Feng-Jia Fan, Xiao-Guang Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, Superlong β-AgVO3 Nanoribbons: High Yield Synthesis by a Pyridine-Assisted Solution Approach, Their Stability, Electrical and Electrochemical Properties, ACS Nano 2009, 3(3), 653-660. 27. Meng Zhang, Ce Shi, Tie-Kai Zhang, Ling Chang, Mei Feng, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Mn-Substituted [Zn1-xMnxSe](DETA)0.5 (x = 0-0.3) Inorganic-Organic Hybrid Nanobelts: Synthesis, EPR spectroscopy, and Their Temperature- and Pressure-dependent Optical Properties, Chem. Mater. 2009, 21(22), 5485-5490. 28. Le Yu, Yang Lu, Na Man, Shu-Hong Yu*, Long-ping Wen*, Rare earth oxide nanocrystals induce autophagy in HeLa cells, Small 2009, 5(24), 2784-2787. Most Accessed Article. 29. Weihong Xu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Conducting Performance of Individual Ag@C Coaxial Nanocable: Ideal Building Blocks for Interconnects in Nanoscale Devices, Small 2009, 5(4), 460-465. VIP Paper. Highlighted by Materials Views. Featured by (Frost & Sullivan Inside R& D Alert: http://www.frost.com/prod/servlet/segment-toc.pag-segid=D704-00-CA-00-00 “Silver Nanowires Coated with Carbon Protective Layer” April 3. 30. Huai-Ping Cong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Self-assembly of functionalized inorganic-organic hybrids, Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 2009,14(2), 71-80. Invited Review. 31. Jian-Hua Zhu, Shu-Hong Yu*, An-Wu Xu, Helmut Colfen, Biomimetic Mineralization of Double-Stranded and Cylindrical Helical BaCO3 Nanofibres, Chem. Commun. 2009, 1106-1108. 32. Sen Zhang, Hui-Yuan Zhu, Zhi-Bin Hu, Lu Liu, Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Multifunctional Necklace-like Cu@Cross-Linked Poly(vinyl alcohol) Microcables with Fluorescent Property and Their Position Manipulation by an External Magnet, Chem. Commun. 2009, 2326-2328. 33. Jun Jiang, Shaofeng Chen, Lei Liu, Hongbin Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Template-free Polymorph Discrimination and Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate Mineral, Chem. Commun. 2009, (39), 5853-5855. 34. Hong-Bin Yao, Xiao-Bo Li, Shu-Juan Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Lamellar Transition Metal Molybdate-CTA Mesostructured Composites (Metal = Ni, Co): One-pot Synthesis and Their Application in Treatment of Acid Fuchsine, Chem. Commun. 2009, 6732-6734. 35. Hongbin Yao, Xiaobo Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, New Blue Light Emitting Ultralong Cd(L)(TeO3) (L = polyamine) Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanofibre Bundles: Their Thermal stabilities and Acidic Sensitivities. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15(31), 7611-7618. 36. Yu-Xue Zhou, Hong-Bin Yao, Qiao Zhang, Jun-Yan Gong, Shu-Juan Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hierarchical FeWO4 Microcrystals: Solvothermal Synthesis, and Their Photocatalytic and Magnetic Properties, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48(3), 1082-1090. 37. Hai-Wei Liang, Shuo Liu, Qing-Song Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, An Efficient Templating Approach for Synthesis of Highly Uniform CdTe and PbTe Nanowires, Inorg. Chem. 2009, 48(11), 4927-4933. 2008 38. Yongjie Zhan, Shu-Hong Yu*, Necklace-Like Cu@cross-linked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) core-shell Microncables, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130(17), 5650-5651. 39. Ming-Jun Hu, Yang Lu, Sen Zhang, Shi-Rui Guo, Bin Lin, Meng Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, High Yield Synthesis of Bracelet-like Hydrophilic Ni-Co Magnetic Alloy Flux-closure Nanorings, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130(35), 11606?11607. 40. Weitang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis of Semiconducting Functional Materials in Solution: From II-VI Semiconductor to Inorganic/organic Hybrid Semiconductor Nanomarerials, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18(21), 3357-3366. Feature Article. Inside Cover. Most accessed articles. 41. Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Kan Wang, Lei Liu, Xue Wei Xu, Functional Carbonaceous Materials from Hydrothermal Carbonization of Biomass: An Effective Chemical Process, Dalton Trans. 2008, (40), 5414-5423. Perspective, Cover. Highlighted by RSC. 42. Shi-Rui Guo, Jun-Yan Gong, Peng Jiang, Mian Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Novel biocompatible and luminescent silver@phenol formaldehyde resin (PFR) core/shell nanospheres: Large scale synthesis and application for in vivo bio-imaging, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18(6), 872-879. Most-assessed. 43. Huai-Ping Cong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis of Microraft-shaped Zinc-Phenylalanine Complexes and Zinc-Phenylalanine/dye Hybrid Bundles with New Optical Properties, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18(2), 195-202. 44. Jun-Jie Wang, Jun Jiang, Bo Hu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Uniformly-Shaped Poly (p-phenylenediamine) (PpPD) Microparticles: Shape Control Synthesis and Their Potential Application in Removal of Lead Irons in Water, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18(7), 1105-1111. 45. Weihong Xu, Jiming Song, Lian Sun, Jinlong Yang, Wenping Hu, Zhuoyu Ji, Shu-Hong Yu*, Structural, Electrical, and Photoconductive Properties of Individual Single Crystalline Tellurium Nanotube Synthesized by a Chemical Route: Doping Effects on Its Electrical Structures, Small 2008, 4(7), 888-893. Most accessed articles. 46. Jie Chen, Chunyan Wu, Jinping Tian, Wenjie Li, Shu-Hong Yu*, and Yangchao Tian*, Three-dimensional imaging of nanoscopic superstructures in a complex concaved cuboctahedron copper sulfide crystal by x-ray nanotomography. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008, 92, 233104-233106. Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology. Highlighted by Nature China with title “Nanotomography: Crystal clear”. http://www.nature.com/nchina/2008/080625/full/nchina.2008.147.html; “High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Images of Nanoscale Crystal Structures” AZoNano.com: http://www.azonano.com/news.asp?newsID=7370 47. Zheng-An Zang, Hong-Bin Yao, Yu-Xue Zhou, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of New [Fe18S25](TETAH)14 (TETAH = Protonated Triethylenetetramine) Nanoribbons: An Efficient Precursor to Fe7S8 Nanowires and Porous Fe2O3 Nanorods, Chem. Mater. 2008, 20(14), 4749-4755. 48. Shu-Juan Liu, Hai-Yang Cheng, Feng-Yu Zhao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable synthesis of novel VSB-5 microspheres and microrods: Growth mechanism and elective hydrogenation catalytic property, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14(13), 4074-4081. 49. Bo Hu, Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Juan Liu, Qing-Song Wu, Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Controllable Synthesis of Zinc-Substituted -and β-Nickel Hydroxide Nanostructures and Their Collective Intrinsic Properties, Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 14(29), 8928-8938. 50. Yi Ding, Yong Wan, Yu-Lin Min, Wei Zhang, Shu-Hong Yu*, General Synthesis and Phase Control of Metal Molybdate Hydrates MMoO4 nH2O (M = Co, Ni, Mn, n = 0, 3/4, 1) Nano/Microcrystals by Hydrothermal Approach: Magnetic, Photocatalytic and Electrochemical Properties, Inorg. Chem. 2008, 47(17), 7813-7823. 2007 51. Shu-Hong Yu*, Bio-inspired crystal growth by synthetic templates, Top. Curr. Chem. 2007, 271, 79-118. Special Issue of Biomineralization, Invited review. 52. Huai-Ping Cong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Fabrication of ZnO/Dye Hybrid Hollow Spheres with New Optical Property by a Self-assembly Process under Control of Dye and Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17(11), 1814-1820. (Most accessed paper). 53. Hai-Sheng Qian, Markus Antonietti, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Hybrid “Golden Fleece”: Unique Approaches for Synthesis of Uniform Carbon Nanofibres and Silica Nanotubes Embedded/Confined with High Population of Noble Metal Nanoparticles and Their Catalytic Performance”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17(4), 637-643. 54. Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Qing-Song Wu, From Mesostructured Wurtzite ZnS Nanowires/Amine Nanocomposite to ZnS Quantum Nanowires with Quantum Size Effects: a Mild Solution Approach, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17(4), 623-631. 55. Yi Ding, Shu-Hong Yu*, Chen Liu, Zheng-An Zang, 3D Architectures of Iron Molybdate: Phase Selective Synthesis, Growth Mechanism and Magnetic Property, Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13(3), 746-753. Selected as the frontspecies. 56. Huai-Ping Cong, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Re-crystallization and shape control of organic dye acid green 27 crystals in a mixed solvent”, Chem. Eur. J. 2007, 13(5), 1533-1538. 57. Shangbing Wang, Yulin Min, Shu-Hong Yu*, Synthesis and Magnetic Property of Monodisperse Hematite Nanocubes, J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111(9), 3551-3554. Letter. Selected as Most-Accessed Articles in 2007, No. 13. 2006 58. Xiao-Hui Guo, Shu-Hong Yu*, Guo-Bing Cai, A New Controlled Crystallization Approach in a Mixed Solution using an Artificial Peptide Type Block Copolymer as a Crystal Modifier: Highly Monodisperse CaCO3 Microspheres and Morphology Control, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45(24), 3977-3981. 59. Zhubing He, Shu-Hong Yu*, Xiaoyuan Zhou, Xiaoguang Li, Jifeng Qu, Magnetic Field Induced Phase Selective Synthesis of Ferrosulfide Microrods by Hydrothermal Process: Microstructure Control and Magnetic Properties, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2006, 16(8), 1105-1110. 60. Xianjin Cui, Markus Antonietti, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Structural effects of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Iron Ions on the Hydrothermal Carbonization of Starch and Rice-carbohydrates”, Small 2006, 3(6), 756-759. 61. Chunyan Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Markus Antonietti, Complex Concaved Cuboctahedrons of Copper Sulfide Crystals with Highly Geometrical Symmetry Created by a Solution Process, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18(16), 3599-3601. DOI: 10.1021/cm060956u Highlighted and featured by Nature 2006, 442, pp489, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v442/n7102/full/442488a.html#Crystal-growth:-Star-quality, and Chemical Engineering & News, http://pubs.acs.org/isubscribe/journals/cen/84/i30/html/8430scic.html, July 24, 2006, Volume 84, Number 30, p. 32. Listed as Most-Accessed Articles in 2006. 62. Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Jun Jiang, Fanqing Li, Yankuan Liu, Polymorph discrimination of CaCO3 mineral in an ethanol/water solution: Formation of complex vaterite superstructures and aragonite rods, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18(1), 115-122. 63. Jun-Yan Gong, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hai-Sheng Qian, Lin-Bao Luo, An Acetic Acid-assisted Solution Process for Growth of Complex Copper Sulfide Microtubes Constructed by Hexagonal Nanoflakes, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18(8), 2012-2015. Communication. 64. Hai-Sheng Qian, Shu-Hong Yu*, Linbao Luo, Junyan Gong, Linfeng Fei, Xianming Liu, Synthesis of Uniform Te@Carbon Rich Composite Nanocables with Photoluminescent Property and Carbonaceous Nanofibers by Hydrothermal Carbonization of Glucose, Chem. Mater. 2006, 18(8), 2102 - 2108. 65. Lin-Bao Luo, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hai-Sheng Qian, Jun-Yan Gong, Large scale synthesis of uniform silver@carbon rich composite (carbon and cross-linked PVA) sub-microcables by a facile green chemistry carbonization approach, Chem. Commun. 2006, (7), 793 -795. 66. Weitang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu,* Jun Jiang, Lin Zhang, Complex Wurtzite ZnSe Microspheres with High Hierarchy. Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12(7), 2066-2072. 67. Lin-Bao Luo, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hai-Sheng Qian, Jun-Yan Gong, Large Scale Synthesis of Flexible Au/Cross-linked PVA Nanocables and Cross-linked PVA Tubes/Fibres by Template Approaches Based on Silver/cross-linked PVA Nanocables, Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12(12), 3320-3324. 68. Jun-Yan Gong, Linbao Luo, Shu-Hong Yu*, Haisheng Qian, Lingfeng Fei, Synthesis of copper/cross-linked poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanocables via a simple hydrothermal route, J. Mater. Chem. 2006, 16(1), 101-105. (Hot Article, “Indepth interview with the hot article authors”). . 69. Chun-Yan Wu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Shao-Feng Chen, Guan-Nan Liu, Bian-Hua Liu, Large scale synthesis of uniform CuS nanotubes in ethylene glycol by a sacrificial templating method under mild conditions, J. Mater. Chem. 2006, 16(32), 3326-3331. Listed as Top-ten paper by RSC, August, 2006 70. Hai-Sheng Qian, Shu-Hong Yu*, Jun-Yan Gong,Lin-Bao Luo, Lin-feng Fei, High Quality Luminescent Tellurium Nanowires with Several Nanometers in Diameters and High Aspect Ratio Synthesized by a Poly (vinyl pyrrolidone)-Assisted Hydrothermal Process, Langmuir 2006, 22(8), 3830-3835. 71. Yun-Xiang Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Xiao-Hui, Guo, Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Controlled Growth and Self-Assembly of CaCO3 Multilayered Structures at Air/Water Interface, Langmuir 2006, 22(14), 6125-6129. 72. Bian-Hua Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Shao-Feng Chen, Chun-Yan Wu, Hexamethylenetetramine Directed Synthesis and Properties of a New Family of α-Nickel Hydroxide Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials with High Chemical Stability, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110(9), 4039-4046. 73. Yun-Xiang Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Huaiping Cong, Jun Jiang, An-Wu Xu, W. F. Dong, Helmut Colfen*, “Block copolymer Controlled Growth of CaCO3 Microrings”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110(13), 6432-6436. Letter. Listed as Most-Accessed Articles: April-June, 2006 74. Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Shu-Juan Liu, Jun-Peng Chen, Xian-Ming Liu, Fan-Qing Li,“Architectural Control Syntheses of CdS, CdSe Nanoflowers, Branch Nanowires, and Nanotrees via a Solvothermal Approach in a Mixed Solution and Their Photocatalytic Property”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110(24), 11704-11710. Listed as Most-Accessed Articles: April-June, 2006 2005 75. Shu-Hong Yu*, Helmut C?lfen*, Klaus Tauer, Markus Antonietti*, “Tectonic arrangement of BaCO3 nanocrystals into helices induced by a racemic block copolymer”, Nature Materials 2005, 4(1), 51-55. Highlighted by Nature China with title “Nanocrytals: twist tale” http://www.nature.com/nchina/2007/070411/full/nchina.2007.44.html 76. Linbao Luo, Shu-Hong Yu*, Hai-Sheng Qian, Tao Zhou, “Large Scale Fabrication of Flexible Ag/Cross-Linked PVA Coaxial Nanocables by a Facile Solution Approach”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127(9), 2822-2823. 77. Shao-Feng Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Tong-Xin Wang, Jun Jiang, H. C?lfen*, Bing Hu, B. Yu, Polymer Directed Formation of Unusual CaCO3 Pancakes with Controlled Surface Structures, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17(12), 1461-1465. (Top 10 paper). 78. Weitang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Xiaoying Huang, Jun Jiang, Lucy Qiuxia Zhao, Long Pan, Jing Li*, “Nanocrystals of an inorganic-organic hybrid semiconductor: Formation of uniform nanobelts of [ZnSe](DETA)0.5 (DETA = diethylenetriamine) in ternary solution”, Adv. Mater. 2005, 17(23), 2799-2802. 79. Wei-Tang Yao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Long Pan, Jing Li*, Qing-Song Wu, Ling Zhang, Jie Jiang, “Flexible Wurtzite ZnS Nanobelts with Quantum Size Effects: a Diethylenetiamine-Assisted Solvothermal Approach”, Small 2005, 1(3), 320-325 (Invited). 80. Helmut Colfen*, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Biomimetic Minereralization/Synthesis of Mesoscale Order in Hybrid Inorganic-Organic Materials via Nanoparticle Self-Assembly”, MRS Bull. 2005, 30(10), 727-735. October 2005 issue on “Self-Assembly in Materials Synthesis”. (Invited Review Paper). 81. Zhubing He, Shu-Hong Yu*, Jiping Zhu, Aminoacids Controlled Growth of Shuttle-like Scrolled Tellurium Nanotubes and Nanowires with Sharp Tips, Chem. Mater. 2005, 17(11), 2785-2788. 82. Jie Jiang, Shu-Hong Yu*, Wei-Tang Yao, Hui Ge, and Guang-Zhao Zhang, Morphogenesis and Crystallization of Bi2S3 Nanostructures by an Ionic Liquid-Assisted Templating Route: Synthesis, Formation Mechanism, and Properties, Chem. Mater. 2005, 17(25), 6094-6107. One of “Most-Accessed Articles”(http://pubs.acs.org/journals/cmatex/promo/most_accessed/index.html), Oct.-Dec. 2005. 83. Ji-Ping Zhu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Zhu-Bing He, Jun Jiang, Ke Chen, Xiao-Yuan Zhou, Complex PbTe hopper (skeletal) crystals with high hierarchy, Chem. Commun. 2005, 5802-5804. 2004 84. Biao Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Linjie Li, Qiao Zhang, Fen Zhang, Ke Jiang, “Morphology Control of Stolzite Microcrystals with High Hierarchy in Solution”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43(36), 4745-4750. 85. Shu-Hong Yu*, Xianjing Cui, Lingling Li, Kai Li, Bo Yu, Markus Antonietti, Helmut C?lfen, “From starch to carbon/metal hybrid nanostructures: Hydrothermal metal catalyzed carbonization”, Adv. Mater. 2004, 16(18), 1636-1640. 86. Shu-Hong Yu*, Helmut Colfen*, “Bio-inspired crystal morphogenesis by hydrophilic polymers”, J. Mater. Chem. 2004, 14(14), 2124-2147. Biomineralization Special Issue. (Invited Review Feature Article). 87. Xianjin Cui, Shu-Hong Yu,* Lingling Li, Kai Li, and Bo Yu, Fabrication of Ag2SiO3/SiO2 Composite Nanotubes by One-step Sacrificial Templating Solution Approach, Adv. Mater. 2004, 16(13), 1109-1112. 88. Shaofeng Chen, Shu-Hong Yu*, Bo Yu, Lei Ren, Weitang Yao, Helmut C?lfen, “Solvent effect on mineral modification: Selective synthesis of cerium compounds by a facile solution route”, Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10(12), 3050-3058. 89. Xianjin Cui, Shu-Hong Yu*, Lingling Li, Liu Biao, Huabin Li, Maosong Mo, Xian-Ming Liu, “Selective Synthesis and Characterization of Single-Crystal Silver Molybdate/Tungstate Nanowires by a Hydrothermal Process”, Chem. Eur. J. 2004, 10(1), 218-226. 90. Biao Liu, Shu-Hong Yu*, Fen Zhang, Linjie Li, Qiao Zhang, Lei Ren, Ke Jiang, “Ring-like Nanosheets Standing on Spindle-like Rods: Unusual ZnO Superstructures Synthesized from a Flake-like Precursor Zn5(OH)8Cl2-H2O”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108(14), 4338-4341. 91. Biao Liu, Shu-Hong Yu *, Linjie Li, Fen Zhang, Qiao Zhang, Masahiro Yoshimura, Peikang Shen, ”Nanorod-direct oriented attachment growth and promoted crystallization processes evidenced in case of ZnWO4”, J. Phys. Chem. B 2004, 108(9), 2788-2792 (Letter). 92. Shu-Hong Yu,* Helmut Colfen, An-Wu Xu, and Wenfei Dong, “Complex Spherical BaCO3 Superstructures Self-Assembled by a Facile Mineralization Process under Control of Simple Polyelectrolytes”, Crystal Growth Design 2004, 4(1), 33-37. 专著 1. Yang Lu, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Polymeric/Inorganic Nanocomposites: Fabrication and Applications in Multiple Bioimaging”, Edited by S. C. Tjong, Yiu-Wing Mai, In “ Physical properties of polymer Nanocomposites”. Woodhead Publisher, U.K, 2010. In press. 2. Min-Rui Gao, Jiang Jun, Qiang Gao, Shu-Hong Yu*, Chalcogenide Semiconductor Based Core/Shell Nanostructures: Synthesis, Properties and Application, "Encyclopedia of Semiconductor Nanotechnology", 2010, American Scientific Publishers, in press. 3. Shu-Hong Yu*, Jiming Song, “One Dimensional Metal Oxide Nanostructures: Soft Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications”. In “Metal Oxide Nanostructures and Their Applications”, Chapter 14, edited by Ahmad Umar and Yoon-Bong Hahn, American Scientific Publishers, 2010, pp. 1-49. 4. Bo Hu, Yongyan Shi, Shu-Hong Yu*, “Synthesis of Metal Nanostructures by Photoreduction” In “Recent Advances in Nanoscale Science and Technology (RANST)", Edited by Sunil Kumar Bajpai, Murali Mohan Yallapu, Bentham Science Publishers Ltd., UK, 2009, pp 38-53. 5. Shu-Hong Yu*, Shaofeng Chen, “Biomineralization: Self-Assembly Processes”. In "Nanomaterials: Inorganic and Bioinorganic Perspectives”, edited by Charles M. Lukehart, Robert A. Scott , UK; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2008, pp 75-98. ISBN: 978-0-470-51644-7. 6. Shu-Hong Yu*, Weitang Yao, “Inorganic Nanobelt Materials”. In "Nanomaterials: Inorganic and Bioinorganic Perspectives”, edited by Charles M. Lukehart, Robert A. Scott , UK; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2008, pp 291-326. ISBN: 978-0-470-51644-7. 7. Shu-Hong Yu*, “Bio-inspired crystal growth by synthetic templates”. In “Biomineralization II”, Topics in Current Chemistry, Volume 271, edited by K. Naka, Springer, pp 79-118. ISBN 978-3-540-46376-4. 8. Shu-Hong Yu*, “Biomineralized Inorganic Materials”, Chapter 1 In “Handbook of Nanostructured Biomaterials and Their Applications”, H. S. Nalwa, Ed., American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2005. Vol. 1, pp.1-69. 9. Shu-Hong Yu*, Helmut C?lfen, “Nature-inspired Nanoparticle Superstructures”. In “ Nanoparticle Assemblies and Superstructures”, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, FL, Edited by Nicholas N. Kotov, 2005, Chapter 11, pp. 269-338. 10. Shu-Hong Yu*, Yi-Tai Qian, “Soft synthesis of ceramic nanorods, nanowires, and nanotubes”. In “Self-Organized Nanoscale Materials”, Kluwer/Plenum, Edited by Motonari Adachi and David Lockwood, 2005, Chapter 3, pp. 101-158. ISBN 0-387-27975-X. 11. Shu-Hong Yu*, Jian Yang, Yi-Tai Qian, “Low Dimensional Nanocrystals”. In “Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”, H. S. Nalwa, Ed., American Scientific Publishers, Los Angeles, 2004, Vol. 4, pp.607-647. 12. Shu-Hong Yu*, Helmut C?lfen, “Polymer Controlled Crystallization: Shape and size control of advanced inorganic nanostructured materials-1D, 2D nanocrystals and more complex forms”. In “NATO SCIENCE SERIES VOLUME: “Low-Dimensional Systems: Theory, Preparation, and Some Applications”, the NATO-ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Edited by Luis Liz-Marzán, Michael Giersig, 2002, pp.87-102. |